Every Day Counts! Attending school regularly is essential to students gaining the academic, social and emotional skills they need to thrive. Chronic absence, no matter its cause, has real life consequences for students, families and society as a whole. Research shows starting as early as preschool and kindergarten, chronic absence—missing 10% of the academic year—can leave third graders unable to read proficiently, sixth graders. struggling with coursework and high school students off track for graduation.
Reporting an Absence
It is important to clear an absence within 72 hours. by doing ONE of the following:
- Call our 24-hour attendance hotline at (925)-458-3216 X 5202 to report the absence, or
- send a note to the office with your child
Please don't forget to include the following in your message or note:
- Child’s full name
- Date of absence
- Specific nature of the absence (illness, vacation, funeral, etc.)
- Your relationship to the student
- Please sign and date all notes
A total of 10 days absence per year is considered excessive. Our office will mail absence letters to remind parents if absences are excessive as part of our “Every Day Counts” program. The MDUSD School Attendance and Reporting Board (SARB) is notified if a student is absent excessively.
Tardy to School
School begins at 8:00am. Students arriving after 8:15am must report to the office for a tardy pass before they go to class. If a parent cannot escort the student to the office, a note from the parent is required. Late arrivals can only be excused for medical/dental appointment or illness.
Within the school day, a tardy of 30 minutes or more without a valid excuse is considered truant.
Early Release from School
Students who must leave school during the school day can do one of the following:
- Call our 24-hour attendance hotline at (925)-458-3216 X 5202 to report the absence, or
- send a note to the office with your child
Please include the following in your note/phone message
- Childs Name
- Reason for the early release
- Time of pick up
- Name of the adult who is picking up your child
All visitors must come to the office and sign in. Those picking up a student will be asked to sign in and must show identification. The child can only be picked from the office. MDUSD policy states we only release children to the parent, guardian, or other previously authorized persons designated in the emergency contacts on the particular day of release.
Independent Study
If a student must be absent for more than 5 consecutive school days for a reason other than illness, obtain an Application and Contract for Independent Study from the office at least 10 days before the absence begins. This gives teachers sufficient amount of time to prepare assignments and allows them to meet with the student to explain assignments and expectations.
The completed assignments must be submitted to the main office ON THE DAY OF THE STUDENT’S RETURN. After the assignments are reviewed by the teachers, the contract will be signed by an administrator. Please call the school if the student will not return on the date as planned.
Home and Hospital
Students who must be absent from school for more than three weeks because of a medical problem are eligible to receive home instruction. Contact the office to obtain a Home and Hospital application. Parents fill out Part I, the request for home instruction, and physician/ family medical advisor completes Part II.
Keep Your Child On Track - Ideas for keeping attendance positive by Attendance Works
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