Safe and Secure Schools
School Visitors
District policy states that all visitors must check in at the school office and wear a visitor badge while on campus. Items such as lunches, PE clothes or instruments are to be brought top the main office so they can be delivered by office staff only.
Lost & Found
Clothing and other items are picked up daily from around campus, the cafeteria and classrooms and are deposited in bins in the Multi-Use Room. If your child has lost an article of clothing, please instruct him/her to check the bins. Please label your child's belongings with their full name.
All unclaimed items are donated at the end of every month to a charitable organization.
Riverview Middle School is committed to making sure that all students arrive at school ready and able to learn. MDUSD established the Homeless Outreach Program for Education (HOPE) to provide educational and related services for homeless students in preschool 12th grade. HOPE helps to provide meals for students, transportation to school if needed, and referrals to resources in the community. For more information about Homeless and Foster Youth services visit Homeless Outreach Program for Education (HOPE).
Bullying and Harassment Policy (PDF)
Riverview Middle School recognizes the harmful effects of bullying on student learning and school attendance and desires to provide safe school environments that protect students from physical and emotional harm. Riverview Middle School staff shall establish student safety as a high priority and shall not tolerate bullying of any student. More information about the MDUSD Harassment and Bullying Policy can be found on the MDUSD website or by visiting the link embedded in the title of this section.
Annually, the administration of Riverview Middle School reviews and updates the procedures and routines for emergency response to develop our Site Safety Plan. This plan is reviewed by the Site Council in February for their approval.