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Wellness Centers are a safe space where students can connect with peers and/or supportive adults to support the academic, emotional and social well-being of students and their families. Wellness Centers strive to achieve this through interventions within the MTSS framework that include referrals to community agencies, family advocacy and parent engagement, Foster Youth Services, the SOAR Program and much more. Social Work Specialists (SWS) operate, coordinate, and/or help to create Wellness Centers along with the development and implementation of the Coordinated Care Team as designated by Principals.  Our ultimate goal is to serve students from diverse backgrounds to be successful in school through collaboration between school personnel and agency partners.

Riverview Wellness Center is an integrated center which includes both academic and social emotional support. It is open during school hours. Students will need a pass from their teacher to come during class time. Lunch time activities happen daily and monthly wellness activities occur as well.  Wellness staff complete classroom presentations, conduct social groups and work with students individual.

We collaborate with community based organization to provide specialized service to various student groups. Focused on developing leadership skills, strengthening academic stamina, and managing social emotional challenges, these organizations work closely with our Wellness team to coordinate their efforts in service to students.


Roles of a School Academic Counselor

Personal/Social Counseling

  • Provides individual and group counseling on a limited basis

  • Assists students in understanding themselves, including strengths and weaknesses

  • Engages students in group lessons on personal/social issues needs

  • Provides resources for teachers, students, and parents to meet the personal and social needs of the students

  • Seeks to meet the students’ immediate and future needs

Academic Counseling 

  • Monitors student progress and plans interventions to ensure progress.  

  • Supports student with setting goals and developing a plan for academic success

Riverview Wellness Center Thrives

Our Wellness Center is a Confidential Space: A student has a right to privacy and the promise of confidentiality. Confidentiality means keeping anything a student says private. There are some exceptions and limitations to this rule. A counselor must tell someone what a student says if that student says he/she is being hurt by someone else, is going to hurt themselves, or is going to hurt another person. The counselors’ most important job is to ensure a student is safe. Be sure to check out this resource about our Wellness Center.

Riverview Wellness Staff

Deonne Wesley - Social Work Specialist, Wellness Center Director

Dr. Linda Ruiz, Academic Counselor

Hannah Portee, Academic Counselor

Miriam Rubel, MediCal Provider


Virtual Wellness Center - visit our virtual wellness center and experience a variety options for your wellness needs and great resources for further support.

Community Based Organizations

Family Purpose

Delta Bay Impact

Feet First